Friday, December 12, 2008

When WAR is the only road to PEACE. . .

It’s not a secret anymore. Pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism! The whole world knows it! Yet, we know it better than any other, because we’ve been at the receiving end of it all for too long now. I’m not too much of a war-mongering person, but there’s a limit for tolerance. We have given Pakistan all the respect that a neighbor deserves; we have been more than patient with them in a lot of aspects; we’ve given them enough evidence and enough chances. I think India has had enough of a friendship that was never meant to be. What happened on 26th November in Mumbai was completely over the line. Enough is enough. Now, it’s time to act. The issue isn’t about whether we need to impose war on Pakistan or not; the fact of the issue is, WAR is upon us!

When we talk of attacking Pakistan, what is essentially being implied is, attack on the terror-camps based in Pakistan. These terror camps are the cause of concern because they are the breeding grounds for terror all over the world, and in spite of world countries urging Pakistan to bring these camps down, Pakistan doesn’t seem to be taking any action. November 26th definitely demonstrated the extent of ease with which these organizations function within Pakistan. So, when we wage war on Pakistan, we will only target these terror camps. It’s not like we are going to go massacre innocent Pakistanis. (we’ll leave that to the terrorists)

Being a sovereign and secular nation, India has every right to defend itself against externalities. Almost 30% of our tax money goes into defense. At 2.5 million, Indian army is the second largest standing army in the world. What’s the point in spending so much if we are never going to make use of it? What happened on 26th November was an attack on India, not just on Mumbai. If we do not respond appropriately and immediately, we are undeniably being too soft on terror and in a way abetting it.

Post September 11, 2001, there hasn’t been a single terrorist attack on the US soil. The reason behind that -
War on Afghanistan, War on Iraq, USA made sure that all its enemies were dealt with. I don’t expect India to be as effective as the US. I admit, it is asking for too much, considering our politicians! All I ask for is some aggressive intent.

Around 2000 people were killed in the WTC attacks. Actions taken by US after the attacks changed the way the entire world looked at terror. We have tens of thousands of our Indians dying every year because of terrorism in various forms. It has been happening almost without respite for the past thirty years. What have we ever done about it? Have we even remotely endeavored to do anything aggressive? If that’s the kind of approach we are going to have, then it is indeed of no surprise that external forces annihilate us. They know we will not act effectively, and thus keep up their relentless attack on us. Every single time an attack is successful, it only makes them stronger. If we need an everlasting solution to this; if we are going to make India a safe place for our future generations, then, WAR is the only option.

It’s really surprising that some people actually expect India and Pakistan to have a harmonious co existence. Yea right!! Just imagine: We’ll probably end up having RDX for breakfast or have school kids playing catch with hand grenades. Let us face the ultimate – India and Pakistan were never friends to begin with, and can never be. If we had been friends, the split would never have happened. We would have been a single nation today.

Some intellectual pundits claim that war isn’t going to change anything; it’s only going to worsen things; we need to look at other peaceful means, and that we need to be united as a country to solve this problem, so on and so forth.

Well, firstly, aren’t things already in a bad state?
Secondly, what’s going to happen if we do unite?
Well yes, it would indeed be a picturesque moment. We can light candles, bring out banners with patriotic statements, raise slogans, stand together as one nation and sing our national anthem. Undoubtedly awe inspiring. However, envision what would happen if someone in the crowd shouts out - “there’s a terrorist here!!” ?
I’m pretty sure every single person in that gathering would run for his life, helter-skelter, and trust me, national unity would be the last thing on his mind. No offense, I’m just trying to be a little practical here. I do agree that people coming together and expressing their views is a wonderful sight, and it does go a long way. But what are we trying to achieve here? If we are under the impression that we are fighting terror by doing all this, then I’m sorry to say, we’re just wasting our time. Let’s talk a little sense. We’re talking about men with AK-47 rifles and hand grenades. They are trained to kill. I seriously don’t see how mass gathering or expression of unity is going to stop them, or their AK-47’s from functioning.

We need to fight fire with fire. We need to hit them, and we need to hit them hard. India has to make a strong statement. Let our enemies know that we are not going to sit back and watch all their atrocities continue. We have to remind them that we have weapons too, instill fear in them, the same fear that is haunting a billion lives today. Let’s make this, the moment of justice. We shall stand united behind our brave soldiers, who are well and truly our only beacon now, not with banners or candles, but with a strong message of love and unity.

When war is the only road to peace, we do not have an option. If we don’t act now, perhaps, we never will be able to. This is our only chance. Let us make this count – for you, for me, for the tens and thousands who have been victim of terror, for all our unsung heroes who’ve sacrificed their lives for us and last but not the least, a nation that has had enough of blood shed on its soil. Let us make this INDIA’S WAR ON TERROR. Let us send a strong message across to all those people who still think India is a soft nation. Let the world know that India is a nation that always craves for peace, but can also get aggressive when provoked. Let them know that India is not only the land of Mahatma Gandhi; but is also the land of Subhas Chandra Bose. Jai hind!

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